Tuesday 22 September 2015

blog post from 6th september 2015 to 22nd september 2015

l been busy reading books and l been getting ready for winter and l think l am getting a cold and my athritis is playing up and my feet are swollen still and my doctors ring this today and said it is time for my flu jab to be updated l had it a year ago and l am currently reading beyond the red mountains and l won 34 books on goodread and my sister bought me jodi picoult and samatha van leer between the lines and off the page for my birthday and l am looking forward to my birthday and christmas but not the cold weather but l am got to ring back to my doctor to get a appointment to get the time and date for my flu jab and my mum and sister have to go for one to haha l can't stop sneezing so got tissues at hand l am going to spend my day watching soaps and jeremy kyle and than house with my sister or call the midwife. other day l watched 4 christmas movies because it is never too early to watch them and l seen my nephew michael-terry  and my niece celsie-jo other day they was so happy to see me l miss them so much and my niece celsie-jo was asking where my sister margaret was so l told her she is at home looking after our dog and she was like l miss him they are partner in crime celsie-jo use to open our gate and they would both go out the back garden haha, my dog loves my nieces and nephews and l remember my sister zoe having my niece celsie-jo she was having pains and she nearly had her in my house like she did her first daughter my niece angel who was born a week before christmas l watched my sister zoe bring angel into this world and she was cold l went to the hospital with my sister and my niece because my sister didn't want to go on her own and my niece had to be warmed up because she was blue with cold (our gas had gone) so my mum could not put the heating on and my niece megan won a family photo because my sister kaylie enter her in to a competition along with her brothers yiannis and jack but yiannis never won and jack never got through to the second round but they are all beautiful to me and l love them all the same and l have a iphone 4s and a samsung galaxy young 2 one for texting and one for games. l am still missing my grandad and my sister l wish they was both here with their loving family. l have hay fever and asthma and the doctors told me l have a weakened immune systems and a l0w vitamin d levels l have to get my levels checked every few months and l have to get my asthma check too and l have 2 inhalers. l have 8 birthday presents and 5 christmas presents at the minute.  l got till november to get more and my cat turns 1 next mouth and my sister margaret turns 23 and my nephew michael-terry turns 9 in october and than my niece celsie-jo turns 6 in november and my niece angel turns 12 a week before christmas than christmas haha but on my birthday l will share pictures of everything l got for my birthday and if l get a cake l will share picture l been watching booktubers and book shelf tours and book collections. l also run a book reviewing blog and l review stuff l bought or got bought.

 why you need a flu jab

  • anyone aged 65 and over
  • pregnant women
  • children and adults with an underlying health condition (particularly long-term heart or respiratory disease)
  • children and adults with weakened immune systems

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